My Healing Journey
with Reiki & Kinesiology
My Healing Journey
I was one of those people who had exhausted all paths of recovery, through conventional medicine, before I discovered energy healing.
Having a weak immune system, meant I was sick very often as a child. I suffered with recurring throat and eye infections, IBS and severe menstrual symptoms, throughout my teen years. When I was fifteen, I spent six months recovering from meningitis caused by a severe throat and sinus infections.
Throughout my illnesses I attended my local doctor for treatment and was repeatedly put on courses of antibiotics, pain killers, laxatives and multi vitamins. The results of these medications were short lived, each time I recovered the symptoms eventually returned.
Throughout my twenties and thirties, I continued to suffer with chronic PMS, severe pain, nausea, weight gain, depression, and exhaustion. Doctors continued to treat my symptoms but failed to find the root of my perpetual ill health.
In my late thirties I started having menopausal symptoms that doctors could not explain. After my fortieth birthday I was admitted for emergency surgery to have a large benign ovarian tumour removed. It soon became apparent that this tumour had been growing in my body for quite some time, overlooked by doctors treating the symptoms it was causing.
During my recovery I developed an interest in Reiki healing. My sister introduced me to Reiki, telling me how it had helped her and her reflexology clients. At that stage I was desperate to try anything that might help me.
I came across Mari Hall, an internationally renowned Reiki Master and I read her book ‘Reiki for the Soul’ while convalescing from surgery. Her life story really resonated with me and I went on to study Reiki with her. This was the first time I acknowledged divine guidance in my life. I completed my studies with Mari, obtaining a Reiki Master Teacher Certificate in Tuscany, Italy. The same year I qualified as a Health Kinesiologist.
Kinesiology identified key areas that needed to be addressed in my physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Emotional trauma affects the body physically. When we are upset we are not at ease – and develop disease.
The main traumas I experienced were being bullied in school by both teachers and students, my father’s sudden death in my twenties and a marriage break up in my thirties. I was prescribed a combination of Flower and Crystal essences to support my emotional recovery between sessions. These essences helped me to gently process the traumas and move forward with my life.
Kinesiology therapy helped me discover that I am intolerant to dairy products and to this day I can only eat a small amount of dairy, mainly goats and sheep’s products. I am also intolerant to gluten, yeast and sugar. This contributed to my chronic digestive problems. I was on a strict diet for many months to desensitise my body to these foods and give my gut a chance to heal.
I was not producing adequate amounts of digestive enzymes to break down my food. My damaged gut could not absorb the nutrients I needed to help my body fight infection. Undigested nutrients were in my system causing toxicity. These had to be cleared from my system with homeopathy and other supplements.
Although mainstream medicine is essential in acute cases of illness, kinesiology techniques often uncover what is overlooked by western medicine.
The central focus now of my own self care is going for regular therapy sessions in kinesiology and reiki. I find that they are the therapies that work well for me, although I have experienced many others, among them being Shamanism, Reflexology, Bioenergy, Acupuncture and Integrated Energy Therapy (IET)
My training as a holistic therapist continues to provide many opportunities for personal healing. I experience first-hand the amazing ability that the body possesses to heal itself through energy therapies.
My life purpose now is to help people heal from whatever is preventing them from living their best life. There are so many who have exhausted all paths to recovery through conventional medicine. The word disease means not being at ease. When our life isn’t easy, we can develop dis-ease.